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The easiest, fastest way to see instant emotional shifts

The "scribbling technique" is one I recommend often to my clients and students. This is a page that will teach you how to do it. Please read the entire thing before trying your first healing scribble!

Scribbling: Text

How Scribbling Works

All emotions are chemical, and they need to be metabolized, or broken down, to be removed from the body. All emotions are also energetic. 

Scribbling takes the energy of emotions (and even things like pain and structural imbalances in the body) and transmutes them into physical motion. On a body level, we are burning the chemicals of our emotions just like our bodies burn fat.

This is called a kinesthetic transmutation of energy

We're taking energy and "burning it" through motion with our physical bodies. 

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What You Need To Get Started

Scribbling is easy! You can get started with paper and any writing utensil: crayons, pencil, pen, marker, chalk. 

Technically, you don't even need paper at all--some people scribble on drawing apps on their phones.

I prefer to scribble with crayons on paper. 

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Choosing Your Scribbling Topic

The first thing you do when you scribble is write the topic on the top of the paper. This clarifies to the conscious and subconscious minds what you are working on. 

When you pick a topic, I recommend scribbling on small things, not big things. If you start scribbling on "childhood abuse," you will fill up 35 pages of scribbles and get nowhere--and possibly just stir things up, because that is so big there's no way you're going to clear it all at once in a 20-minute scribbling session. 

Before you start scribbling on something big, I recommend imagining the energy of it gathering into a ball, and then smashing the ball with a hammer into smaller pieces. Then scribble out the smaller pieces in small increments (say, 5-10 minutes of scribbling at a time). This can take several days to work through various issues, but it WILL work and this is much better than trying to do something big all at once. 

You can also just choose to start scribbling on the smaller things from the get-go. 

For example, instead of scribbling on "childhood abuse," you might scribble on, "The anger I felt when I was made to do X and I didn't want to." Even THAT might be too big, but at least it's smaller than general "childhood abuse."

 The "size" of different topics will really vary person to person. Scribbling on "resistance to getting married" might take 2 minutes for someone pretty open to marriage, and days and days for someone who was abused in a previous marriage, for example. 

You can use a technique called Intuitive Calibration to assess how long the topics you want to scribble on will take to process. 

You can ALWAYS use the hammer technique to smash down the things you want to scribble on and make them smaller. So if you start scribbling on something and it feels "too big," just smash it into pieces and decide that you're going to finish up this bit of it and continue the scribbling process over a few days. 

Scribbling: Text

The Scribbling Technique Video

This 7-minute video IS WORTH WATCHING. It explains the basics of the scribbling technique. 

Scribbling: Video

How You Know When You're Done

You know when you are done scribbling because your hand will spontaneously make a horizontal 0 shape and when you try to scribble something else, your hand will naturally return to that empty shape. 

The empty horizontal 0 shape signifies that the "container" for that emotion or issue is now empty. 

You will see how when you get to that point, you will feel a shift! 

When you are scribbling out something big, after you smash it with the hammer, you will set a timer and just scribble out some of it at a time, say in 5-15 minute increments that you mark with a times. This means you will scribble to the 0's several times over several days to get to the bottom of the same single issue. When you do this, you may feel big shifts after getting to 0's every time, or it may take until the whole thing is complete to feel the whole shift. It depends on the person and the situation. 

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When the Scribble Is Complete

When the scribble is complete, and you've gotten to the 0's, you might notice that YOU feel lighter and clearer inside, and your PAPER feels gross and disgusting. I recommend taking your scribbled paper to the outside trash. The negative emotions literally get transferred from our bodies to the paper, so throw those yucky papers away outside the house. I do not recommend scribbling things out in a personal journal. 

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Scribbling Topic Ideas

You can scribble on anything you can think of! People have reported positive shifts with emotional pain, physical pain, illnesses, relationship trouble, and even physical body excess weight due to scribbling. You can read their stories in this Facebook group: The 14-Day Scribbling Challenge. 

Here are something you could try scribbling on: 

  • My resistance to clarity on what I should do next in life

  • Not enough money

  • My desire to control my spouse

  • I am so lonely

  • I hate how I look

  • I regret what I did

  • My sorrow at being forgotten

  • My back pain

  • My stiff shoulder

  • I feel like I can't move ahead in life

  • I can't bust through this weight loss plateau

  • I don't know what to do to heal

  • My heart was broken

  • Birth was so scary

  • I don't like myself

These are just some ideas to get your brain going. You could try scribbling on all of them! If any of them feel "big" to you, smash them with a hammer in your mind and scribble them out a little bit at a time over a few days. 

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Read the Book

This was a crash course in scribbling, but this technique is VERY versatile and can have many nuances. This is the full-length book I wrote about scribbling, containing more detailed instructions and many stories of people who have used this for healing. 

This is a great book to read if you are working to do healing work on your own at minimal cost, or if you are a practitioner looking for easy, simple, seriously powerful tools your clients can learn and use on their own. 

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